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At night in a sentence

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Sentence count:219+38Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lightningnightby nightnightmaremidnightovernightday and nightnight and day
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151) A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.
152) Anna doesn't like him walking home late at night .
153) He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night.
154) This cream is best applied to the face at night.
155) Take a couple of these pills last thing at night to help you sleep.
156) We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night.
157) A city at night is a very different beast .
158) I've never had to call the doctor out at night before.
159) A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day/indicates that the following day will be fine.
160) He tired easily(, though he was unable to sleep well at night.
161) The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch/to keep watch.
162) Time was when we never needed to lock our house at night.
163) She used to lie awake at night worrying about how to pay the bills.
164) Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night?
165) You should never ride your bicycle without lights at night.
166) Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.
167) Your body temperature is higher in the daytime than at night.
168) Drivers who forget to light up at night often cause accidents.
169) It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.
170) She knew it was dangerous to visit him except at night(, but she set out regardless .
171) It's your job to see that the boilers are stoked up at night.
172) Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.
173) A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.
174) 'Reclaim the night' was the battle cry of women fighting for the right to walk safely at night.
175) The veranda was equipped with heavy wooden rain doors that were kept closed at night.
176) At night these busy streets during the day become empty of traffic.
177) The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.
178) Temperatures drop quite dramatically at night, so bring some warm clothing.
179) If you know you're grinding your teeth, particularly at night, see your dentist.
180) The waterfall was lit up at night with pink and green floodlights.
More similar words: lightningnightby nightnightmaremidnightovernightday and nightnight and dayat midnighthighlightrightlightmighteighthslightflightheightlight updelightall righttightenin sighttightlyinsightlightlyfighterright awaylightingslightlyout of sight
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